Vocabulary Roll & Routines for your Classroom
Vocabulary. We all have to teach it. Every single class requires some kind of vocabulary instruction.
What’s better than collaborative, engaging ways to review vocabulary with dice? Dice make students think they’re playing a game… it’s a great teacher-go-to 🙂
I have made two versions of “Vocabulary Roll”. Students roll dice and practice vocabulary words through the actions connected to the number on the dice.
FREE download here and on the Resources Page. One version is slightly easier than the other.

The second activity I’ve created is a version of a Bingo card, Choice-Board, or “Quilt”. I took various vocabulary review activities that students can use to practice their vocabulary words. Some activities are great for spelling review, too.

I like using it as independent practice with students, but they get to choose which activity to do in their own notebooks. Give each student a Vocabulary Quilt. Once they complete one of the boxes, they color it and can’t use that again with that unit’s words.
Another option is to use it as a Monday-Friday routine. Everyday I set aside 10-15 minutes to for independent vocabulary review and we move through the board as a class. This is helpful if you’d like all students to work on the same activity.
FREE download here and on the Resource Page.
I recently did a workshop on classroom routines with vocabulary. It outlines some of the ways I like to incorporate time to review vocabulary (or any skill) on a routine basis. The PDF version of my presentation is downloadable here: