Books & Cycling


The past couple weeks have been quite busy & I have also been under the weather. However, I’m ready to get back into blogging and catch you up on what’s been going on! Can you believe I’ve been here for 11 weeks? What?!

I’ve been wanting to check out a bookstore in the capital, so a couple weekends ago I made a day out of it. I took a public taxi (like a small bus) into the capital and made my way to the mall by foot and a second taxi. Walking through downtown Kampala is an experience in itself and I want to go back and explore more – think busy, crowded, loud, dusty.

“Matatu” taxi = shared taxi like a mini-bus

I loved walking around the book store and easily wasted the afternoon hours away. I was mostly gathering information and costs for the university, but I also bought for myself. The Steinbeck books are for school, but I wanted my own copies. Zura Maids & Homegoing are both set in Africa. I’m currently reading Homegoing and loving it! I highly recommend it.

New purchases!

I’m so happy to have met some friends in Uganda 🙂 They enjoy cycling & invited me along for a Sunday ride around the airport, which is on the peninsula. Entebbe (where I live) is on a peninsula surrounded by Lake Victoria. The ride was so beautiful! The airport was on one side of the road, so we got to see planes coming in and flying over us. The wetlands & the lake were on the opposite side. We ended up at the lake where many fishing boats and men were located. It was also the location of where the first Catholic missionaries landed, so a monument was there. We enjoyed the breeze & a break at this midway point of our trip.

If my calculations are correct, it was about 17 kilometers, which is 10.5 miles. It was a great day, but my legs were definitely tired at the end!

Life is starting to feel like regular life… meaning it’s not all super exciting or new anymore, but it’s just starting to be routine. This is a good thing and I’m glad it’s starting to feel like home. However, I have to remind myself to still try to do new things and be excited about new opportunities.

Stay tuned for a post about a traditional wedding introduction ceremony I was invited to this weekend!

Hope you’re all doing well. Love & miss you.

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