It is well.

  • This is a long blog explaining the roller-coaster of emotions in deciding to go to Uganda and to be a Fellow. If you want the main idea: It is well. 

In August 2018, I was informed my position at my current school was changing. I started looking for new opportunities. Albino encouraged me to apply to the Fellows Program. I said there would be no way I’d get it, but humored him and was thankful for his encouragement. In the meantime I started teaching at the international programs at UCI. I loved my new job. Then I got a surprising email. 

In April, just before Easter, I found out I was matched to a project in Sri Lanka as an English Language Fellow with the US Department of State. I was overwhelmed with excitement to be matched. I spent hours that night reading about the country and looking at maps, apartments, and food :).

Easter Sunday was four days later. The string of bombings that occurred across Sri Lanka was devastating and shocking.  My project was put on hold and I was told to wait. I received an email informing me that the project would be postponed and it would be better to take my name off the project and hope to be matched to another country. My heart was heavy. I cried. I felt all sorts of different emotions: sad, confused, disappointed. 

I was driving to work later that week and the song, “It is Well” came on the radio by Bethel Music. By the end of the song I was crying and knew that not going to Sri Lanka was okay and there must be a reason in all of this (even if I don’t know the reason). 

One week later: I’m matched to a project in Uganda. Although I was excited to have a second opportunity, I was also shocked and overwhelmed. EAST Africa??? Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have anything against Africa. From the beginning of the whole program’s process, I expected somewhere in Asia because of my experience. I was secretly hoping for Eastern Europe or the Middle East. Africa wasn’t even on my radar. I don’t know why or why not. 

I went through a few more rounds of emails and interviews, and received an official offer to go to Uganda. I had 48 hours to decide. 

My immediate response was to say yes. I paused. Of course Albino and I had the whole conversation and prayed about it. I was scared to write that simple email that said, “I accept”. 

The next day I was driving to work. I put on my Apple music and chose a random play-list. “It is Well” by Bethel Music came on. By the end of the song, I was crying. I texted Albino saying I was going to Uganda. I emailed them right away, and peace and excitement rushed over me. 

“…and far be it from me to not believe, even when my eyes can’t see, and this mountain that’s in front of me, will be thrown into the midst of the sea…so let it go my soul, and trust in Him, the waves and wind still know His name,… it is well with my soul, it is well with my soul”  Click here or the song and video. 

I know it will be tough. I know I will be lonely, sad, confused, and frustrated at times. I know it might not be the healthiest/safest place to go, & I know wifi, electricity, and water are not things I can count on. I also I know I will smile and laugh. I will be welcomed into many classrooms and homes. I will meet people who will change my life forever. It is well. 

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