
Well. I finally did it. 

Actually. My husband did it. We went out for a nice valentine’s dinner and he excitedly said he had a present for me. He pulled out his cell-phone & showed me “”. He got me a website. Romantic? Yes, it is romantic because he knew I’d been thinking about the idea & had been creating my own resources. I’ve recently been considering what to do “next” with my career. I’m still in the classroom (and love it!), but I’m always thinking of writing curriculum or yada yada yada.  Like, what is all this insta and TpT stuff? Can I do that? Well, here’s me trying.

I also just like to talk. If you could imagine, my husband doesn’t always love listening to my class stories or the awesome poster I want to make for nouns. I think he got me this website so I had a place to spill all the things in my head. 

I am truly excited. I LOVE, I mean L.O.V.E. teaching language learners. It seriously makes me happy. ELL/ESL/EFL/ESOL learners are the best. I laugh each day & I truly believe I’m in the right profession. My goal for this blog is to simply share my rambling thoughts & ideas. I know teaching ELLs is challenging, but it can be awesome & rewarding. I’d love to have you join along as I keep learning 🙂 

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