3 Methods for Classroom Management
Classroom management is something every teacher has to deal with. These three methods specifically address behavioral issues in the classroom. They are all methods I’ve tried and used at length (with children, high school students, and even adults).
2×10 Method
If there’s a student who is especially difficult to connect with or manage, try using the 2×10 method. For two minutes a day for 10 days, talk to the student about anything other than school-related topics. If at first they don’t respond well, that’s okay – keep trying. If they don’t answer questions, then compliment them: “Cool shoes! I love blue!”, “I saw you playing soccer at recess. You were great!”. After 10 days, there will be a difference. I don’t mean miracle-they-will-be-your-best-friend, but they will begin to soften, & they will begin to respond back in little ways.

2 Choices Method
A great friend and previous colleague of mine taught me this and it’s been amazing. When a student misbehaves I usually have a few routines I go through in class before talking to them one-on-one: repeat the rules for the entire class (without singling out the student), knock on their desk as I walk by (they know this means I’m watching you). If behavior continues after a few warnings in class, I talk to the student alone. Ty to never start with something negative. This is usually how I frame the discussion:
“I know you are a smart student & very capable of doing this group activity. Your grammar has been improving a lot lately (start with something positive and encourage the student).”
Right now you have two choices:
One, you can continue joking with the other group and refusing to work* (be specific) and you’ll be written up* (give a specific consequence & be prepared to stick with it). OR –
Two, you can come back inside and continue working on your poster. You don’t have to necessarily speak with your group, but I would like to see effort in your poster (give a specific item you’ll be looking for).
I hope you make the right choice” and then walk away.
This little speech does a few things:
Encourages the student.
Acknowledges what they’re doing wrong.
Gives them a specific action they can do.
Gives them the choice & responsibility for their behavior and the consequence.
Greet & Smile Method
This is my own method. It’s simple:
Greet your students with a smile.
Regardless of ANYTHING they did or said the previous day… greet and smile. Start the new day fresh. Yes – hold them accountable. Have rules. Have policies. Stick to them. However, start each day as a clean slate: give students an example of grace and love. Be an example of someone who will continue to be kind to them regardless of their behavior. This alone can truly impact a student.
I hope some of these help! If you use any or have any go-to strategies, please leave a comment below. Happy Teaching!